
The Principle of Tiny House

The principle of legality is critical for the movement of tiny house in USA. This is of course related to the ownership of land, as the land becomes a huge factor pushing home prices higher. It seems there needs to be political and legal steps for this one issue.

Land prices in different countries of course vary. However, the trend remains the same, that the price of land is increasing and feels more expensive. However, grateful if  land on your place is not as expensive in the USA, so that you can still buy land. To have a home that is cheap but still beautiful and functional, you simply follow the example of the idea of
​​creativity and architectural interior design course from the tiny house movement.

There are some principles that can be copied from the tiny house movement, that is:

-    The house was built with the land economically, where every inch of floor space in the house and useful and have their respective functions proper standard house. So this house is solid function. This becomes possible by using a multi-storey building, simplifying the measure, and multiply the functions of furniture. For example, a long sofa chairs as well as a storage closet items on the bottom, likewise seats, as well as a drawer. Under the roof of the house, can be used as a bed, and so on. It requires creativity and art of architecture, interiors and furniture.


-    Wearing second-hand materials (recycled) materials are easily available and cheap
To build a house, you can use leftover wood building, the rest of the furniture used, the remaining containers, the rest of the fallen tree, an unused bus vehicles, the former container and so on. While there are free or inexpensive materials that allow it to be used, just use this stuff. The rest is creativity and art to polish.

-    Use the free resource for the functional continuity. For example, as a producer of solar heat and electricity using solar panel technology.

-    Simply life. Since the relatively small size of the house, then you do not need a lot of stuff to be stored at home. Items that there is essential and important stuff. That is, your life more simple, is not it?

You may need to see :
Tiny house, sexy house 
Tiny house philosophy 
The benefits of living in tiny house 

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